The life and adventures of a homeschooling Catholic teenage bookworm deep in the heart of Texas.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Seriously funny
Now tell me it isn't hilarious. Really, I laugh every time I see it. I "lol" for real. I have no idea why it's so funny but even now I'm watching it and giggling.
Hello! I am a bookworm, a baker, a babysitter extreme. A crazy big sister to 7 crazy siblings. Lover of music and fan of Jane Austen. Partner in crime with the Real Katie. I'm a Catholic and glad of it. I'm a perfectly well socialized homeschooler with enough good friends to make anyone happy. I'm a former OMer who firmly believes in the powers of duct tape and popsicle sticks. I like to write and I love Shakespeare!
So fare ye well, enjoy reading my amazingly fantastically stellar profile or blog (whichever ever page you just happen to be on at the moment), and never run with (or throw) scissors!
I don't find it funny, but I find it funny hat others think it's funny. Maybe it has some kind of psychological meaning . . . XD
AH, goodness, I'm 'lol'ing for real too!! As I write this!! Where did you find it??
Rosemary: Haha, maybe it's just violent people like me who like it.
Serendipity: Somebody posted it on a bulletin board that I'm on.
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