Ah, the beginning of the school year! It just started today in our house. For everyone but me, that is. I'm still working on finishing last year (cough) and preparing for the PSAT. Sooooo I won't officially start school until mid-October. This should be a good year, though. It better be. It's my junior year, the most important in highschool, so I have to well (and do everything) if I want future college applications to look good. At least I know history will be fun. Medieval history/lit! Yayyy! My other subjects shall be algebra 2 (blech), biology, Spanish, and....what for religion? I think it's some kind of Bible studies. Church history, maybe? That would mix well with the medieval stuff. I guess we'll see. But hey, it's actually not that much! The Spanish is easy, very easy compared to Latin with all of its blasted verb endings and little words with a hundred different meanings and uses... the history will be enjoyable. Biology will be tough (science has never been my strong point). But the religion shouldn't be too bad. That leaves my old friend, algebra. Well....can't be
too horrible... right?
1 comment:
Ugh, I am totally with you on Algebra.... I am firmly convinced it's out to melt my poor numerically challenged braincells to a point far beyond repair and by extention keep me from graduation!! >.< But I suppose life will go on... Ooh, your history sounds fun! I have yet to decide whatI'm doing for history... :/ Good luck :))
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