Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Having Fun With CAP

On Friday night Mom, Jack, Ian and I went to their CAP squadron's dining-out. A dining-out is basically Air Force-speak for having a nice dinner out. There is a head table where the important people sit, a Mess President and a Vice. There are also toasts, rules and grogging.
Ah, the grog. I will not go into detail about the contents of the grog, but it is a nasty drink and if you break a rule you have to drink a cup of it. After drinking it you are supposed to hold it upside down over your head to prove that you drank all of it. Boy, did everyone have fun with grogging. To grog someone, you have to make a point of order- in rhyme. The accused may make a defense, and that also has to rhyme. Several times, the Vice thought that the grog wasn't enough, so the chosen cadets did some other things. For instance, Jack and several others did the can-can while singing the YMCA song with "Pilgrim!" inserted after every "Y-M-C-A!" to serve as a John Wayne impression. That's the great thing about the dining-out: it's formal, but there is some goofing off. :-D After the meal, we all went outside for a very interesting wind tunnel demonstration where we learned about drag and lift and wind vortexes and all that fun stuff. Then we headed back in and a speech was given by a Mr. Snedeker who I actually met before the meal started. Mr. Snedeker is a retired Air Force colonel and a former Spaatz cadet (the Spaatz is the highest award given by the Civil Air Patrol and very, very few people recieve it). He went to the Air Force Acadamy and he's flown a lot of different kinds of planes. He's also just a very nice person. His speech was about how the Civil Air Patrol affected his life, and how if it weren't for the CAP he never would have done all the things he did. He gave encouragement and helpful advice to all the cadets there. After the speech, he was awarded the honorary rank of Cadet General. Then he gave Cadet Lt. Col. Castriotta a certificate appointing him to the Academy.
It was a very fun night, and if they ever do it again I will definitely go. I'll post some pictures when the Internet is going a little faster on this computer.

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