Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hey everybody! I'm Katie. I'm 15, Catholic, and homeschooling. I love(x100) to read! I especially like fantasy (Narnia, LOTR, Belgariad), historical fiction (Red Hugh, Men of Iron, Death Comes For The Archbishop) and classic literature. I should probably put this in parentheses after "classic literature" but she's way too cool for that... I LOVE JANE AUSTEN! I'll save my rantings and ravings over her works for some other time, though.
I also like to bake, and obviously, I enjoy making (and eating:-) brownies. Sometime I'll have to post a recipe. I have 7 siblings, who will probably be mentioned frequently in my posts. Especially the adorable wonderful sweet lovable and most beloved baby Tristan!!!
One silly dog, one silly cat, and three silly guinea pigs. And an ant farm (which is SO cool. As long as they aren't crawling on me or biting me or infesting my house, ants are the coolest things ever!).
I'll get back on later.
Katie :-)


The Real Katie said...

Congratulations to you, congratulations to you, congratulations dear Katie, congratulations to youuu!!


Ellie said...

Katie! This is so awesome that you have a blog! And yes, you have to rant and rave about Jane Austen, so I can rant and rave back! :D


Juliana said...

cool blog katie! loking forward to your rants and raves. :)

Dixiegrl15 said...

YAY!!! you have a blog, that's awesome! =)i hope you have fun blogging...i'll be checkin in to see what you're up too! take care! =)